Many important services have been retained during the pandemic, but is car maintenance one of them?

It’s a tricky question, to be sure, because of the nature of the object in question. Work and learning have both been made available from home. Shopping can be done online, and people can order from restaurants online as well. If you’re going to have your car repaired or go general maintenance, do you still need reliable movers to haul it?

To know whether you need to have your car checked, you should call your local repair shop and ask them. If it’s something simple, there are lots of self-repair videos online. You can do it yourself or ask a service repairman in the repair shop to help you.

However, if you must bring in your car, here are some ways to keep yourself safe while keeping your car safe from sudden breakdowns and neglect.

Follow the Guidelines, Even When in the Shop

While you need to protect your car, you also need to protect yourself. Make sure that the shop is following the safety guidelines set by the authorities. It’s okay if you get a simple flat tire or a scratch that can be buffed out by wax since you can usually fix it yourself; it’s not if your car suffers a coolant leak or a faulty electrical system.

It is recommended that a mask and gloves are part of your outfit when going into the shop. You should also disinfect everything handed between you and the mechanics, from the credit card to papers and pens.

Make Sure the Shop Sanitizes your Vehicle

If you’re leaving your car with the shop, you’re likely leaving the keys and other peripherals needed by your car. You should also demand that your car be sanitized during and after the procedure to make sure there are no traces of the virus left.

You should ask for these because it’s part of your right as a customer to hire their service. If you can, you should observe how the technicians work your car. This is to make sure that they meet your expectations about car safety.

Spot the Common Troubles in your Car

car repair

If you own a car, then you’ll know the common trouble spots it has. From the engine to the tires, you’ll know a problem when you see it. There are some repairs you can do yourself. A flat tire can always be changed with a spare. The same goes for a battery; you can unplug it and only bring it without the need to be in the car.

Meanwhile, if it’s the brake pads and rotors or the misalignment of the wheels, then it’s a whole other repair job. You need to find a way to bring it to the car shop, or you can also have some repairmen come over to check your car at home.

Drive It for a Short Distance to Know More

The best way to know if your car is due for repairs is to feel how it runs, so you should get it out every once in a while. There’s a pandemic, and you should stay at home, but you should be safe if you’re driving nearby. Besides, if there’s really something wrong with your car, you’ll know it even on the first few kilometers.

Remember to drive it slowly and listen for anything that sounds out of place. This goes for the engine, the aircon, and the brakes too. If you hear something that worries you, stop the car as soon as possible, and try to look for the source.

Call Ahead for Appointments

If you really need to go into a shop to get your car looked at, call ahead. This lets the car repair shop know that someone is coming in with maintenance or repair requirements. Calling ahead also lets them prepare the shop for visitors with the needed disinfection and protective gear.

Aside from that, they might ask you about the nature of the repair or how serious the problem might be. This diagnosis also helps them gauge how long the repair will take and how soon they can get it done.

Sometimes we think the pandemic has made things more difficult. On the contrary, it keeps us on our toes, just like any significant change does. If you want a quick car repair, you can have it done during the pandemic. You never know, the improvements might happen this time than any other period.

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